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Year of foundation


School Director

Ryzhkova Tamara Stepanovna.

He has been the head of the institution since 1986.

Contingent of students

The school has 695 students (as of September 5, 2021), of which 268 students - 1st - 4th grades - 268 people, 5th - 9th grades - 346 students, 10th - 11th grades - 81 students.
9th grade graduates - 69 students, 11th grade - 26 students. 13 students were awarded a Letter of Commendation, 5 students were awarded a Certificate of Merit for special achievements in the study of certain subjects

Language of instruction

Ukrainian Russian

Profile training

Ukrainian philology, historical

Teaching staff
and service personnel

The teaching staff consists of 52 teachers, including 48 people. have higher education, one - secondary special, 3 study by correspondence. The highest qualification category has 25 people, the first qualification category - 10 people, the second qualification category - 8 people, the category "specialist" - 5 people, 4 people. - without category. 14 teachers of the school with the title "Teacher-Methodist", 6 teachers with the title "Senior Teacher", 5 - awarded the badge "Excellence in Education of Ukraine", 2 - the badge "AS Makarenko ", 2 - breastplate" Vasyl Sukhomlynsky ", 1 - Laureate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
6 teachers of the school head the city methodological associations: teachers of Russian language and literature, foreign literature; history and law teachers; music teachers; mathematics teachers; teachers of geography and economics; deputy principals for educational work, teachers-organizers and class teachers.
Service staff - 26 people.


20% (142 people) are provided with free hot meals: GPA children (105) and children of privileged categories (37). 183 students are fed at the expense of the parents' fee.

Creative potential

The teaching staff is working on the topic "Professional competence of a teacher as an important component of the development of a new school."

The experience of pedagogical workers at the regional and city levels is generalized. Every year at the city and regional levels there was a high-quality participation of teachers in various professional competitions, in the competition of sites. Every year the school teachers take part in the competition "Teacher of the Year" (there is a winner of the regional stage, winners in the nominations and winners of the city). There are winners and laureates of the regional All-Ukrainian competitions "Innovative lesson of physical culture and lesson of physical culture with elements of football" (physical education teacher Zhupiova ME) and "Class teacher of the year" (Tereshchenko OL). Every year, more than 10 subject teachers were awarded the Diploma of the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE MEREFYAN CITY COUNCIL for training the winners of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads in basic academic disciplines. For the preparation of the winners of student competitions, competition-defense of research works of the Academy of Sciences, various student competitions, for participation in the Festival of good practices of teachers of the region received awards 35 members of the teaching staff. School teachers are the authors of many textbooks (annually). The teaching staff is the winner of the regional exhibitions-competitions "Education of Kharkiv region of the XXI century" on the topic "Civic education and upbringing", has a Silver Medal in the International Exhibition "Modern educational institutions".

School teachers are constantly involved in innovative and research projects of various levels. We have the status of an innovative institution "Publicly Active School" in the city. The school is awarded the "Flagship of Education and Science of Ukraine".

Group work

The school has 8 clubs for different age groups of students.


There are 27 classrooms and classrooms, 2 computer classes (22 PCs), 2 rooms adapted for sports halls, gymnastics and football fields, a workshop, a dining room, and a warm toilet. The library fund is 18367 copies.
At the expense of the budget of the territorial community, current repairs were made in the classrooms in the amount of UAH 790431.40. (there was a replacement of doors for fire-fighting in building № 1 in the amount of 1 piece, in building № 2 in the amount of 1 piece and fire-prevention hatch 1 piece in the amount of UAH 25,460.00). Fire alarm was installed, lightning protection was overhauled in the amount of UAH 6000.00, 55.5 m2 linoleum was purchased in the amount of UAH 14034.00, paint was allocated in the amount of UAH 12308.40, funds were allocated for overhaul of the classroom floor in the building № 2 and computer class in the amount of UAH 13,156.00. Disinfectants in the amount of UAH 89,704.00 were allocated for disinfection of the building and treatment of hands in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. Purchased an infrared thermometer in the amount of 5 pcs. in the amount of UAH 8,500.00. Class magazines were purchased in the amount of UAH 2,840.56. 
Purchased for NUS: furniture (UAH 173,250.00), interactive whiteboards, multimedia projectors, laptops, printers (UAH 179,100.00), didactic visual aids in the amount of UAH 59,896.55, as well as New Year's gifts in the amount of UAH 25,392.36. 
Partially replaced pipes on the heating network in building № 2 in the amount of UAH 97777.00.
Purchased furniture: for the language office in the amount of UAH 56,676.00, for the office of Ukrainian language and literature - in the amount of UAH 11,200.00, for the food unit - in the amount of UAH 6,500.00.

Pupils' achievements

The institution has the highest quality indicators in terms of the number of winners in the second stage of the Olympiads among the ZSSO of the Merefa city united territorial community.

Results of school students' participation

in the second stage of the XI Taras Shevchenko International Language and Literature Competition for Student Youth :

One FIRST place (9th grade), two SECOND places (6th, 11th grades), two THIRD places (8th, 10th grades).

The results of the participation of school students in the second stage of the XXI International

Petro Jacyk Ukrainian Language Competition

Two FIRST places (3, 4 classes).

And Vadim Nndreev, a student of the 11th grade, showed the best performance among the contestants of the community and became the winner of the regional stage of the oratory festival.

Vadim Andreev also won the national project "My Career in Ukraine".

10th grade student Sofia Buynova took part in the "Ukrainian Revolution - the era of nation-building" All-Ukrainian local history action of student youth "Ukrainian Revolution: 100 years of hope and struggle" and took third place in the region.

Students Buynova Sofia (10th grade) and Demidenko Elizaveta (9th grade) took part in the All-Ukrainian conference "Lesya Ukrainka in the dimensions of national and world cultures." Their article "The influence of being in Volyn on the creative development of Lesya Ukrainka" was published in the collection of conference materials.

The institution received a certificate of a finalist of the Healthy Schools program: for the sake of healthy and happy students. " The program aims to promote healthy eating, physical activity and conscious attitude of students to their own health ...

Students of the institution remember that they are young members of the community, and therefore care about its future. 10th grade students Sofia Buinova, Alina Nastenko and Valeria Pipenko joined the UPSHIFT Green environmental program with the project "Don't throw money in the trash - sort it out!".

Many diplomas were awarded to students for active participation in various online competitions, online competitions, online tournaments.

In the annual physics and mathematics festival-competition "School of Physics 2021" 3 students of 6th grade (teacher O. Sagittarius) received a certificate of excellent performance (Ksenia Bashtova - 6-B; Alexander Kryvorotenko and Artem Gladkikh - 6-B.

Idu Podufala, a second-grader, took the second place in the online contest "Sport is great" in the nomination "Among primary school girls".

The school team "Internet Beaumonde" is among the five leaders of the regional tournament of the game "What? Where? When?" among high school students "Slobozhanska Sova".

Anastasia Yermakova, a 9-A class student, took an active part
in the International Scientific Online Conference "Local History and Teacher - 2021" on the basis of the Faculty of History of KhNPU named after G. Skovoroda with the report "Application of biographical method of research activities of high school students in local history work (from experience)".

Ksenia Dyachenko, a 9-B class student, successfully took part in the Barabashov Regional Scientific Readings on Astronomy of Pupils and Students.

Харчування призупинено через об'єктивні обставини.


 Defined in the educational institution  Ukrainian language of instruction.

The total number of classes is 27

The total number of teaching staff - 52 people.

As of September 5, 2021, the school has 695 students.

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